måndag 15 oktober 2007


So, finally we get to see inside of the box!
It contains chocolate-coated cherry tomatos!
They can’t be many, because there were not so many shops.
They have to look good, but still they aren’t really something you want.
They can be used if you’re hungry... and the same goes for the shops; you can shop there if you really want/need something allthough you wouldn’t choose to if you could have something else.

Now it’s probably pretty obvious to everyone that Åmål’s gågata is just like a box of chocolate-coated cherry tomatoes... is it not?


What's inside that blue box?

That was the main plot. One would expect to see chocolate like I expected to see some nice shops on the street. But I didn’t. So, should it be empty then?
No, don’t think so; the street was sertainly not empty!
It has to contain some chocolate, since the street did have some stores.
What fits a chocolate box wich is okay, tastes okay, but is still no real treat?
Like when you go shopping, you’re usually buying something you really wanna have! At least when you make it a trip down town, not only to the supermarket.

Chocolate box it is!

Since I decided to stick to the chocolate box idea I had to decide what kind of a box to use. How big, what color, decorations and so on.
I think it should be a small one, since Åmål is a small town.
I think it should be classic and with moderate decorations, not to much but not too little.
I therefore ended up making a small navy blue box with a dark-violet ribbon wrapped around it... Classic but cute!



Since the toychest idea was out of the picture what should I use?
Has to be something everyone knows and most people like. A box of chocolate? Most people like chocolate and most people think a box of chocolate is beautiful and classic.

What kind of a box should it be?
Should it be old fashion or a classic one?
What kind of a chocolate should I have in it?
Or should it be empty?
Or should it contain something else?


If not a toy, then what?
After my brainstorming my next idea was a toychest. Beautiful old wooden toychest with something not that interresting inside, or even an empty toychest. But then again, what I think is beautiful old toychest you might think it’s more like an old ugly box!



My first idea was to find a fancy/popular toy that looked really good. But after a short while you would loose interests in it. After some thinking it wasn’t the best metafor I could use, since people has different opinions in different things. And maybe some kid would love the toy but an adult would think it was ugly ...



I have to find a good metafor for my feelings to explain to others how I experienced Åmål's gågata.
It has to look good... like the street, it has to be rather small, since Åmål is a small town, it has to interest you but it also have to be a small dissapointment. What can it be ??