måndag 15 oktober 2007


So, finally we get to see inside of the box!
It contains chocolate-coated cherry tomatos!
They can’t be many, because there were not so many shops.
They have to look good, but still they aren’t really something you want.
They can be used if you’re hungry... and the same goes for the shops; you can shop there if you really want/need something allthough you wouldn’t choose to if you could have something else.

Now it’s probably pretty obvious to everyone that Åmål’s gågata is just like a box of chocolate-coated cherry tomatoes... is it not?


What's inside that blue box?

That was the main plot. One would expect to see chocolate like I expected to see some nice shops on the street. But I didn’t. So, should it be empty then?
No, don’t think so; the street was sertainly not empty!
It has to contain some chocolate, since the street did have some stores.
What fits a chocolate box wich is okay, tastes okay, but is still no real treat?
Like when you go shopping, you’re usually buying something you really wanna have! At least when you make it a trip down town, not only to the supermarket.

Chocolate box it is!

Since I decided to stick to the chocolate box idea I had to decide what kind of a box to use. How big, what color, decorations and so on.
I think it should be a small one, since Åmål is a small town.
I think it should be classic and with moderate decorations, not to much but not too little.
I therefore ended up making a small navy blue box with a dark-violet ribbon wrapped around it... Classic but cute!



Since the toychest idea was out of the picture what should I use?
Has to be something everyone knows and most people like. A box of chocolate? Most people like chocolate and most people think a box of chocolate is beautiful and classic.

What kind of a box should it be?
Should it be old fashion or a classic one?
What kind of a chocolate should I have in it?
Or should it be empty?
Or should it contain something else?


If not a toy, then what?
After my brainstorming my next idea was a toychest. Beautiful old wooden toychest with something not that interresting inside, or even an empty toychest. But then again, what I think is beautiful old toychest you might think it’s more like an old ugly box!



My first idea was to find a fancy/popular toy that looked really good. But after a short while you would loose interests in it. After some thinking it wasn’t the best metafor I could use, since people has different opinions in different things. And maybe some kid would love the toy but an adult would think it was ugly ...



I have to find a good metafor for my feelings to explain to others how I experienced Åmål's gågata.
It has to look good... like the street, it has to be rather small, since Åmål is a small town, it has to interest you but it also have to be a small dissapointment. What can it be ??


Åmål's main street down town was like the rest of the town, very tidy and had a lot of flower decorations. –Very nice!
When walking up and down the street a few times it wasn’t as great it looked. It had only a few shops and not that interesting. At least not for me... But how can I explain my “oplevelse” to others.
What kind of a metafor can pass my feelings along to others?

From a small town to a box of chocolate...

When walking through Åmål you see that it is an extremely clean and tidy town wich is very well taken care of. Despite from the fact it is a small town I still got the feeling it was a city, but a small city.
When wisiting a new town you usually want to go down town and see the life on the streets. Therefore I decided to focus on Åmåls gågata.

måndag 1 oktober 2007

Vad gör man näst?

/Tänkande Thorunn

onsdag 26 september 2007


Nu har jag tittad på Åmål två gångar och det var jättefint!

...jag tror det var inte livsfarlig ...


fredag 14 september 2007

Working with a feeling...

This was the first model I made. Trying to work with the feeling that grabbed me in the "Chalmers story".
I was trying to make the impression; "what's at the end of this road.." and make you wonder if you should or should not go that path.
Men kanske liknar modellet platsen för mycket! (Correct me if my Swedish is crap!)

When I made the second model I wanted it to be more abstract but you should still sence that this place is not so cozy... The small, almoust invisible person, feels very vurnarable looking ahead of her and not knowing what's waiting behind those walls..


Interior och exterior design

This was the first cube I made and it's suppose to present interior design

This is my second one presenting exterior design


måndag 10 september 2007

Behind Chalmers...

As I was walking by Chalmers the other day I paused at a certain spot. It was behind one of Chalmers main buildings. It was getting dark and and I had never been there before. As I looked around there was a big dark building made of dark red bricks on my left hand, it had a lot of windows but I couldn’t see what was inside. On my right side there was some kind of a round metal building, maybe some kind of an electricity house. Behind me there was only an emty parking lot and trees here and there. And in front of me there was another brick “factory-like” building with some emty windows and fire stair made of some kind of metal.
On the wall of the building on my right side there were some curios marks. When I took a closer look it was some kind of wall material that was probably beeing tested due to some weather circumstanses. Interresting...
The street beneath me was wet from the rain earlier that day. There was no light in these big buildings exept from a small room in the cellar of the building to the left. But there was nobody inside that small room but some chairs and table. The only life thing I could se was a spider and its web in the window.
It was a quite calm night. It wasn’t cold but it was getting a bit chilly. I could see a tiny bit of the moon and some stars where peeking through the clouds. You couldn’t feel any wind blowing but you could here the sound of a huge fan somewhere. Do they really need airconditioning at this time?
As I stood there alone in the dark I couldn’t help but wonder if it was a risky place to be at? Should I keep walking or go some other way? Besides, I wasn’t sure if it was a dead end or if I could walk between the buildings ahead of me.
I kept on walking slowly and heard the echo of the “skwampy” sound from my footsteps... I kept looking around but saw no movement anywhere. The sound from the traffic was flying in the air.
All of a sudden I heard a “bling”. It was the sound from a bycicle-bell and a guy on a bike rides by me with a blizz. For one split second I didn’t know if I should be scared or reliefed that someone was actually there. As the bike boy drove past me and between those lonely buildings I realised it wasn’t a dead-end. So I kept on walking between these dark, creepy and misterious buildings and probably increasing my pace a bit.

tisdag 4 september 2007